Monday, 11 June 2012

The War of 1812

Recently, Joseph presented some information about The War of 1812. It gave me a chance to learn some of the important historical events of Canada. The War of 1812 is one of the most important events which we should know.

In order to learn more about the war, I searched on the website. I discovered that there are lots of information and many articles about this war. After going through some articles, I'd like to  recommend two of them.

One is "War of 1812" which is published on the website, You can find this article by using the link This article is brief and to the point. I got a general outline of the war and the reason for President James Madison declaring war.

The other is a series of videos posted on youtube. You can search these videos by using the key words, "First Invasion War of 1812". There is a list from Part 1 to Part 12 for these videos. After I watched Part 1, I could not stop myself from watching the next part. So I recommended that you have a look if you have enough time. It will be worth your time.

After gaining some knowledge about the war, I have a strong feeling that we should show our respect to the war.  Battles such as the Battle of Queenston Heights and the Battle of Chrysler's Farm became iconic for Canadians. It welcomed an era of peaceful relations and trade with the United States. We should not forget the war and that those who died bravely in battle, earned everlasting glory.

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